2020. It almost feels like I’m swearing just uttering that word. We started it with our typical resolutions and goals, travel plans and concert tickets. While not everyone is a resolutioner, I guarantee everyone had some plans or another that were thwarted by the onset and lingering of this virus.
I won’t forget the day we were initially shut down. It was our spring break from school and I was blind to the severity of the matter. I remember saying to my mentor, “Well the district is staying closed, but I’ll let you know if they have us go in sooner rather than later.” How could I be so naive? Now, 9 months later and I still don’t have students in my classroom. My little rays of sunshine have not been around to brighten my day or create a rainbow during this dreary forecast.
2021 is here! I’m sure most people aren’t jumping to create resolutions for a year with so many uncertainties. That being said, I am encouraging everyone to take a listen to my anthem for 2021, “Rainbowland” by Miley Cyrus featuring Dolly Parton. Fitting title for a gal who loves rainbows, right?
Now, before you pass judgement as to why this is my initial anthem of 2021, please do some research on Dolly Parton. She’s not just a pretty face with a minuscule waistline! A quick google search will bombard you with and what she has done philanthropically. From her Foundation (Dollywood), to providing children with free books through “Imagination Library,” to her scholarships for students working towards higher education, to her awards given to teachers, to her work done for veterans and most recently, her donations towards COVID vaccine research. It’s amazing what one woman with a positive outlook can do for others.
But I digress, back to the song. Miley & Dolly’s catchy duet, “Rainbowland” has helped me come up with a mindset goal for 2021. While it may not feel like we are living in a perfect world, and certainly, things aren’t fine right now. Now, more than ever, is the time to embrace all of our differences and start working together for the positive good.
My Goal for 2021 is to be someone else’s rainbow. We never know when someone is dealing with hidden hardship or unspoken health issues. I encourage you to join me. To take this opportunity in the new year to not focus on the usual trivial goals (slim waistline and engorged pocketbook), but instead something that will benefit others. How can we be the light that reflects off the prism?